Licensed private investigator. Despite the fact that in many countries such as the profession of private detective has been around a long time and is licensed in our state law on private detective activity Parliament can not accept! And despite the fact that currently in Ukraine this type of activity is not considered a statutory Ukraine, private detective activity has no license and are not registered. This type of activity for several decades engaged in not protected as separate individuals and various associations. Years of experience in other European countries and not only confirms that in addition to state law enforcement agencies, there is still a great alternative to the operational activities, work with private investigators license greatly enhances search results and investigative activities. Certain groups of MPs Ukraine has long written law “On private detective activity”, which provided licenses to private detectives and legalizing the activity and thereby bring real and experienced private investigators to the “underground.” The authors of the bill have added a special bill (licensed private investigator) authorization of a private detective activity, issuing licenses for this kind of control Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. According to deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, it will provide the maximum legitimacy and independence of private investigators from the Interior Ministry. To this end, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine assigned responsibilities registration and licenses to business the activity, namely private detective activity. The bill includes a fairly extensive list of services that will provide Ukrainian private detectives are licensed and determine the methods by which they will implement them. The bill also provides for the right of private detectives are licensed to have this type of firearms and special means of active defense and personal safety.