

Detective agency search

Detective Agency “Detectiv-PIC” Search provides the following services:

– Search for people

– Search for debtors and fraudsters

– Find people in Ukraine and abroad

– Search for missing people

– Search for lost properties
and other search services of Private Detective “Detectiv-PIC”.


Search for missing persons

Search for missing persons   Missing is a person who has disappeared for no apparent reason. To organize search of the missing need to determine:   – Surname, name; – Date of birth of the missing; – Registered office, place of residence; – Date and time of extinction; – Last known location; – Intended route […]


Search for properties

Search for properties If you are still faced with this unpleasant fact, do not worry, nothing without a trace does not disappear. In 99% of cases there is also a loss, and not guilty of stealing the natural or legal person. It should be noted that for effective search and return of material values necessary […]


Search of debtors

Search of debtors Detective Agency “Detective-PIK” is a structure focused on helping organizations and individuals in the recovery of debts in the territory of Ukraine. With enough practice in this area, our detectives represent the interests of the client at all stages and levels of economic relations, constantly improving the quality of its activities. Our […]


Search for people

Search for people   It happens that the circumstances or time separated from the people dear to us. Often, people move, change phone numbers, names, old connections are lost.   The reasons for people search can be different: the desire to meet with old classmates, coworkers, colleagues, joint memories, unfinished business. Often the reason people […]