Fraud on the Internet
Fraud on the Internet today, one of the most common types of fraud after the population of front companies and fake goods. It brings to its founders fabulous profits. And all because of the dishonest conduct business in the network can be not only profitable, but also with virtual impunity. After all, the official and complete the legislative framework for this type of crime we have.
Therefore, Private detective agency “Detective-PIC” has to develop their methods of combating fraud on the Internet. Please contact our experts if you fall for the fraud in the Internet. We will solve your problem.
Divorce on the Internet today can be divided into different types, but most of the attackers carried divorce on money online. And caught the bait and everyone can.
Fraudsters are predictable and promise “golden mountains” for elementary work or fabulous profits immediately after reading a course of the next “Millionaire,” which, of course, must be purchased at a reasonable price. You should guard such statements. Remember, free cheese can be only in a mousetrap.
Another type of online fraud – make money at those who want to help seriously ill. Fun spread these pictures and give the bogus bills. Always check the information before listing someone money online.
The same applies to online purchases, stocks, drawings, etc. Be careful, do not fall for provocations. If you fall for online scams, where to go you do not know, Private detective agency “Detective-PIC” is waiting for you and will try to help in this situation.